Let me make this clear: A bar chart is not analytics.
首先我们必须明白: 一张条形图不是数据分析.
互联网The bar chart below shows the huge growth of UK car exports over the past few years.
——柯林斯例句This bar chart displays the numbers of fuel's prices.
互联网Please direct your attention to this bar chart.
互联网A daily bar chart plots each trading session's high , low and settlement prices.
日条形图描绘了交易日的最高价 、 低价和交易价.
互联网It can be concluded from the bar chart that letters are not as popular as E - mails.
2从柱状图中我们可以推导出书信不像E -mail 这样流行.
互联网Submit bar chart program indicating the sequencing required for each stage of the work.
互联网A horizontal stacked bar chart that displays total opportunities for each lead source.
互联网The Close The closing price is a bar chart by a tick pointing to the right.
互联网Last year's sales figures for all our markets are shown on this bar chart.
互联网This wizard formats your Gantt bar chart to look exactly the way you want it.
互联网The bar chart compares the income of teachers of Onlytoya College in 20062007.
互联网Candlesticks capture the same price information as a bar chart: the open, high, low and close.
烛柱图与柱状图同样显示以下价格资料: 开盘价 、 最高价 、 最低价和收盘价.
互联网As a shortcut for creating a bar chart, click the Bar Chart AutoFormat button.
要建立条形图, 单击“自动套用条形图”按钮.
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